Outdoor Mushroom Growing Bed/Cama de cultivo de hongos de Exterior


Outdoor Mushroom Growing Bed

Mushroom propagation outdoors requires some careful preparations.

La propagacion de los hongos al exterior requiere de algunos preparativos cuidadosos.

Site selection is important. In our valley, a shaded site that will retain moisture is critical. This site in the photo is under a large apple tree. It is close to a water spigot, to make it easy to keep moist.

La selección del sitio es importante. En estos fotos, el sitio es bajo de un grande arbol de manzanas,en la sombra que retenga la humedad.

The soil is cleared from the site.

Removing the top-soil gives advantage to the fungi.

La tierra es quitada del sitio.
Retirar la capa arable da la ventaja a los hongos.

Wood-chip substrate.

We used wood chips as a substrate, which is favored by the Oyster mushroom we were starting. Oysters are a good choice for beginners, as they are relatively easy to grow, and they have medicinal, culinary and bio-remediation properties.

Utilizamos las virutas de madera como sustrato, que es favorecido por la seta de ostra estábamos empezando. Las ostras son una buena opción para principiantes, ya que son relativamente fáciles de cultivar, y tienen medicinal, culinaria y propiedades bio-remediación.

La espora del hongo Ostra, va bajando con el sustrato de la madera. La viruta o aserrín es limpiada para minimizar las bacterias y hongos que pueden competir con la espora del hongo Ostra. Viruta o aserrín otro de frutales son recomendada.

The wood chips are washed to minimize other bacteria and fungi that may out-compete the Oyster fungi spore. Non-fruitwood deciduous chips recommended.

The Oyster fungi spore

The Oyster fungi spore

The Oyster spore goes down on the wood chip substrate.

Jim Gibson, myco-ecologist, completing the demo.

Jim Gibson, myco-ecologist, completing the demo.
Jim Gibson, micólogo ecologista, completando la demostración.

Jim is covering the Oyster spore with cardboard, then with more wood chips. The purpose of both of these layers is moisture retention.

Jim, está cubriendo la espora del hongo Ostra con cartón, para luego poner un poco más con viruta o aserrín.


About Zia Parker

Transition skills for earth~body healing : We provide workshops, training, and private sessions in applied knowledge for healing the land and healing our bodies, and understanding the connection between them. The common thread in all of these offerings is that they help us shift our way of being in the world so that we sense and are sensitive to the living world around us. Thus, enabling us to integrate the information coming to us-both from our bodies and the earth-and respond with contributions toward a healthy, harmonious balance with all beings.

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