Intro to the Biodynamic Agriculture Method 1


This article is a great resource for those of us in the food movement that love growing our food, that of course want toxin-free gardens/ water/ earth/ air and produce, but also want to go BEYOND “organic”. I’m excited to share this excellent article about Biodynamic Agriculture, written by Gaby Gonzalez, who recently cofounded the Biodynamic Association of Mexico. Below, I’ve pulled a few quotes, if you want a brief check-in, as the article is lengthy.…/campesino-past-biodynam…/

What is the difference between Biodynamics and the concept of organic agriculture?

The Biodynamic method of agriculture focuses on understanding the intelligence that exists behind the growth of a tomato plant, or a carrot or a potato; what is it that makes it be a tomato, how do you be a potato? it recognizes the key moments in the development of each plant. What’s it’s language? Who do they communicate with? What do they take from the ground? What are they taking from the air? Why is the root root? Why are leaves leaves? What about the sap?

What does the Biodynamic Method have in common with indigenous world view ?

The understanding that that which keeps us alive has this indecipherable, mysterious, sacred aspect inside our subconscious; whether we express or not it, agree or not, we all know it in our interior.

More: With Biodynamics, the way is personal. The more your understanding of it advances in you, the more you cure yourself, and allow yourself to experience your interior. Thus, deepening the possibilities of establishing a relationship with your environment that offers to you what is necessary to restore it and to increase your production every time with more vigor, more life.

What is the most basic misinterpretacion of conventional agriculture? The biggest obstacle in what has come to be known as “conventional agriculture”is that it has immersed agricultural producers in the role of being the protagonist, the one which produces, the one that makes the plants produce. The biodynamic way of thinking is related to the dynamics of life in all aspects. Currently, humanity is so deeply disconnected from this way of thinking and being. This is the challenge for us to arrive at.



About Zia Parker

Transition skills for earth~body healing : We provide workshops, training, and private sessions in applied knowledge for healing the land and healing our bodies, and understanding the connection between them. The common thread in all of these offerings is that they help us shift our way of being in the world so that we sense and are sensitive to the living world around us. Thus, enabling us to integrate the information coming to us-both from our bodies and the earth-and respond with contributions toward a healthy, harmonious balance with all beings.

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One thought on “Intro to the Biodynamic Agriculture Method

  • Sammy Rowe

    Hello!! My name is Sammy, I just landed in vilcabamba and will be here indefinitely. I was looking up pdc’s in Ecuador and this was the first to pop up. Although you’re not doing any workshops at the moment, I’m reaching out to see if there is any need for support on the land you steward.
    I’m a seed and land loving person, who’s biggest calling is to come back into harmony with the big mama earth. I’m looking for a place to ground where I can continue my practices of regenerative gardening and loving up on the soil to bring me into connection with place.
    Even if there is no opening of this sort, I would still love to connect. It feels important for me to find the seed tenders in different places of the world.