Zia Parker

About Zia Parker

Transition skills for earth~body healing : We provide workshops, training, and private sessions in applied knowledge for healing the land and healing our bodies, and understanding the connection between them. The common thread in all of these offerings is that they help us shift our way of being in the world so that we sense and are sensitive to the living world around us. Thus, enabling us to integrate the information coming to us-both from our bodies and the earth-and respond with contributions toward a healthy, harmonious balance with all beings.

Permaculture is a design method to help create the optimal level of sustainable balance with nature for any given place–urban or rural, desert or jungle, business or home. Zia Parker Permacultura es un método de diseño para llegar a un nivel óptimo de equilibrio sostenible con la naturaleza, en un lugar determinado de zonas urbanas o rurales, desierto o selva, granja, empresarial o del hogar. -Zia Parker Permaculture is the science, ethics and practice of how human beings can live in cooperation with nature, as nature. –Bill Pfeiffer Wild Soul, Wild Earth Permacultura es la ciencia, la ética y [[read more]]

What is Permacultura? Que es Permacultura?

(ESPANOL ES ABAJO) This post is in response to the question, should we be bringing in drought-tolerant seed to Vilcabamba, such as drought-tolerant Hopi corn, since the dry season has been getting longer? What is the local annual rainfall? and soil conditions? I’m aiming at keeping this post updated with new info on this topic, Growing in Vilcabamba, Ecuador. This is quite an involved topic, and many people in Vilcabamba valley are well equipped to respond. I’ll add my two cents on the part of our little corner of the community–Wilco Way Farm. We are working to establish a [[read more]]

Growing in Vilca

Robert David Mceldowney 1970 BA degree in Religion and Philosophy, Maryville College, Maryville Tenn. 1971 US Peace Corps training in sub-tropical agriculture and animal husbandry in India 1972 Crew labor worker on a large commercial landscaping company, Duncan Landscape,          Youngstown, Ohio 1973 Counselor at a large innovative state-run school for the specially challenged in Enumclaw, Wa.          my ward was with the most mentally and emotionally challenged. 1974 Began studying sub-tropical organic agriculture full time on the Big Island,Hawaii 1975-1985 Created and managed several small farms and gardens in Hawaii 1986 Completed the foundation year training for Waldorf teachers [[read more]]

Resume, Roshni Mceldowney

Stinging Nettles Urtica dioica Brief Wonderful herb that can also be used in cooking as a super-nourishing cooked green. Nutritive, tonic, alterative, antiallergenic and antihistamine, anti-inflammatory, astringent, blood tonic, circulatory stimulating, decongestant, kidney tonic, uterine tonic, nervine, vermifuge (seed), endocrine tonic (seed). Medicinal Properties Nettles are a wonderful nourishing and mineral-rich herb that support many of the body’s different systems. Nettles improve the body’s resistance to allergies, stimulate the circulatory system, reduce inflammation, support healthy blood clotting, and promote healing. It is a cleansing and energizing tonic herb whose leaves and roots tonify tissues, muscles, arteries, and skin and [[read more]]

Nettles, Stinging

WORM BED: Make your sheet-mulched bed into a worm-producing bed for ultra-fast composting and extra nutrient-rich worm-castings. Get the worms working for you! Worms need a moist, dark, warm environment. Make sure the top layer of your sheet-mulched bed is uniformly moist. Worms love kitchen waste, and wet shredded newspaper, so add these to your top layer. Then, cover

Making a Worm Bed

Sheet Mulching is a very basic and important Permaculture skill. Sometimes called “blanket composting”, “no-work” or “no-dig” gardening, it is very representative of Permaculture in terms of modeling Nature. This is the start of the Medicine Wheel Garden. As you see, we are layering the Sheet Mulching right on top of the lawn. No need to dig or pull weeds. They become part of the nutrient base for the new garden. See full guidelines below. The Medicine Wheel in full bloom. It is a great way to build healthy soil fast, and is an effective means of carbon sequestration. [[read more]]

Sheet Mulching

We applied simple bioremediation techniques to allow the pond to purify itself. This is a “before” photo. Looking good, but not purifying itself. Then the Pond Work Team started to dig in — here are some of the pics and details. After removing the plants, rocks and old liner, we re-shaped the stream channel to make it optimum for the fungi, bacteria plant species involved in bioremediation.

Wetland Project

ESPANOL ALTERNATE CON INGLES Outdoor Mushroom Growing Bed La propagacion de los hongos al exterior requiere de algunos preparativos cuidadosos. Site selection is important. In our valley, a shaded site that will retain moisture is critical. This site in the photo is under a large apple tree. It is close to a water spigot, to make it easy to keep moist.

Outdoor Mushroom Growing Bed/Cama de cultivo de hongos de Exterior

Aston Fitness
ASTON FITNESS ~~ Movement Re-Generation Zia Parker MA CMT skype: ziaparker     email: ziaparker(at)zoho(dat)com resume     bio Aston Patterning Aston Fitness®,teaches “the how” of exercise, and gives you the tools to be able to balance your movement and your structure as you exercise. This is a 3-phase fitness system, giving your body the opportunity to release tightness with “loosening”, tune your alignment with stretching, and stabilize & strengthen with “toning”. In this work, many layers of insight regarding one’s own tension patterns, and the habitual 3-D movement dynamics that fuel them, come to light. Also, we can [[read more]]

Aston Fitness

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] This article is a great resource for those of us in the food movement that love growing our food, that of course want toxin-free gardens/ water/ earth/ air and produce, but also want to go BEYOND “organic”. I’m excited to share this excellent article about Biodynamic Agriculture, written by Gaby Gonzalez, who recently cofounded the Biodynamic Association of Mexico. Below, I’ve pulled a few quotes, if you want a brief check-in, as the article is lengthy. https://www.esperanzaproject.com/…/campesino-past-biodynam…/ What is the difference between Biodynamics and the concept of organic agriculture? The Biodynamic method of agriculture focuses on understanding the [[read more]]

Intro to the Biodynamic Agriculture Method