PDC intensive 12 day course February 1-13, 2024

Creating Regenerative Designs
that serve the Earth AND the People
Weaving Community
Building Sovereignty
Come practice Permaculture with us, if you want to become more independent, self-sufficient, sovereign and co-creative with the land.
The economy of our times, all over the world, has become dominated by extractionist thinking. Simply put, this means take, take, take with no regard for the consequences, and no intention of responding with giving back in reciprocity.
The challenge for our times is not only to get out of the Matrix, but also to get the Matrix out of us!
The PDC prepares you to see any place (or project) with a lens of whole-systems thinking and to build relationship with that place and take steps toward a regenerative reality. It helps optimize the potential for multiple functions for the most efficient and productive design for any given place. It provides guidance for fundamental questions like: Where do I begin? What are the priorities? Where do I go for information? It is teaching Permaculture as a design science based on principles.
Unlike much of modern science, it is also based on ethics.
The Permaculture Ethics are simple:
Care for the Earth
Care for the People
Share the abundance
Wouldn’t the world be a much better place if we could just agree on these simple ethics?
The Permaculture Design Course (PDC) is taught all over the world.
Each PDC is different because they are all attuned to the land, climatic and social conditions of the place.
“Adapting” is the name of the game…Collaborating, sharing and communicating.
This is a short video of an Agroforestry workshop series in the Tumianuma neighborhood.
Some examples of what we have been involved with…
Water is Life!
A truer measure of evolution with be when the structures we live and work in eventually melt back into the Earth.
INTRODUCTORY “HANDSHAKE” TOURS: This is to meet and show you Finca Vida Verde. Tuesday, January 9, 2023, 9-11 am, free.
You can see what we have chosen to prioritize in our first 12 years here, and decide if this course is
a fit for you. Call to organize, 098 988 7085
$5./ person/ 90 minute tour in groups of 3 or more. $15. minimum.
Directions: www.vidaverde.info/contact
1. PDC intensive February 1-13, the full 12 day course for a small group that is specialized creating Food Sovereignty, Watershed-based Rainwater Harvesting, and early stages of Permaculture site design/ homesteading and development. Cost $650.
Discounts are given for Campesinos. We have some limited work-trades are available, please contact us if you want to apply. As always, let us know if you feel you are really ready for a particular course, and we will try to help you make it work for you.
Send your name, email or Facebook contact. A deposit of $200. will reserve your place in the course. Complete payment is due by the first day of the course.
We have limited spaces so early registration is recommended. A 10% discount is available if paid in full 4 weeks prior to the start day, returnable with medical letter if cancellation is necessary. After the start date, the registration fee will not be refunded.
Options for payment include: 1) in person in cash at our table at the Vilcabamba Organic Market on Saturday mornings (preferred) 2) Bank Transfer to CACPE Loja Credit Union account. Contact us for account details. 3) Pay with Paypal using the email ziaparker @ zoho.com As normal, you are responsible for the 3% Paypal fee.
Course schedule: Breakfast 7-8 am, Class 8-5 with 5 Farm Tours integrated into our 12 days together. Dinner served at 5:00 pm, evening Biodynamic Program, 6:30-7:30 pm. We have a day of rest in the middle of 12-day intensives.
If you have questions: ziaparker @ zoho.com, Facebook: Zia Parker
WhatAp +593 98 988 7085,

to the national seed saving group, Red de Guardianes de las Semillas.
CERTIFICATE: Participants who complete the course with 72 hours of class time will receive the Permaculture Design Course Certificate and validation of that certificate through Permaculture Global.
FOOD AND ACCOMMODATION: The course fee will include three meals each day and facilities for camping. or, you may choose to pay more for lodging in Vilcabamba, a $3. taxi ride away. There are many good choices online.
LANGUAGE: Bilingual: Spanish/English. Simultaneous translation with headphones will be provided which makes this course a potent bicultural and bilingual learning opportunity.