Zia Parker

About Zia Parker

Transition skills for earth~body healing : We provide workshops, training, and private sessions in applied knowledge for healing the land and healing our bodies, and understanding the connection between them. The common thread in all of these offerings is that they help us shift our way of being in the world so that we sense and are sensitive to the living world around us. Thus, enabling us to integrate the information coming to us-both from our bodies and the earth-and respond with contributions toward a healthy, harmonious balance with all beings.

Aston Fitness
Aston-Patterning® is a comprehensive body therapy method. It blends movement education, structural bodywork, exercise design, and ergonomics. It is a method that helps one get the most from one’s body, at whatever level of capacity. It is effective for a range of structural problems arising from accident, injury or disease; as well as performance improvement for athletes, dancers and musicians. In nature, we see that each form is unique, each individual rock, each tree, has its own individual shape and means of deriving balance. Yet, our cultural conditioning leads us to a rather rigid “ideal” when we think of [[read more]]

Aston Patterning ~~ Holistic Body Therapy

Looking for a land-based community? Yupaichani (“gracias Pachamama” in the Quechua language) has 3-4 more memberships available for a intensive gardening eco/arts school cooperative. 20 minute walk to vilcabamba Grow our own nutrition-packed organic produce. Come together to create a producing farm. Beautiful healthy bioconstruction homes. Be a member of a sustainable education center that is a share-holder business. For more information. If interested, speak to Zia & Roshni. Directions at www.vidaverde.info/ Clic contacts.    

Yupaichani Organic Community

"Mingas" are a tradition throughout South America. They are community work parties, and many things get done with mingas. Here some friends from the Vilcabamba international commuity are responding to the San Jose fire, that burned most of this mountain, by planting swales and vetiver, and trees. For more info on this minga, read the post "Our response to the San Jose fire". Click on pics to embiggen.

Minga After The San Jose Fire

Water and a Forest
Rehydrate< >Reforest Vilcabamba & Beyond is our replicable project in innovative water conservation. It is coupled with reforestation to help heal the water cycle in Vilcabamba valley and beyond. With deforestation, rainwater cannot penetrate the soil. These simple methods mimic forest conditions, helping the land retain water, giving them a chance to recover. Have a look at our video to see how this method could be relevant for you. Go to vidaverde.info/agua-arboles for Spanish version. Our ideas: Once the retreat place for Incan royalty, our home in Vilcabamba is much-loved throughout Ecuador and is world renoun for longevity. It [[read more]]

Rehydrate<<>>Reforest Vilcabamba and Beyond

The thing about nematodes, and most members of the soil-food web, is that they have many beneficial aspects, as well as some nasty or yucky ones. Nematodes mineralize soil. They do this in various ways, but primarily by eating and digesting fungus and bacteria which contain nitrogen, and other minerals. The nematodes waste products make the minerals available to plants. There are over 20,0000 species of known nematodes. Some can be seen with the naked eye. They look like a human hair that has movement. The largest known nematode can grow to 30 feet long, and lives in the [[read more]]


Here is some information about our experience in Vilcabamba, Ecuador, for those considering moving here. We are asked these things alot, so here are some basics. For more information, I suggest becoming a member of the Cuenca based website, Gringo Tree.You can ask questions on that site, and get answers.  If you are curious about the Vilcabamba counter-culture, become a member of the FaceBook page, Vilcabamba Boletin. 1.Owning land and gaining legal status. It is possible to own land outright. We bought land when we came down on our first vacation trip. Investing in land (currently $25,000.minimum investment per [[read more]]

EC move? Q & A

The course fee and what it takes to run a course: Offering a PDC requires many months of planning and logistics. We run the best course we can and the kind we would like to take. This means we are out there getting our hands dirty, hearing from lots of different people, visiting the best sites, constantly revising and improving the course, making sure we are up to date with the latest thinking and techniques. All of this takes time to organize. Teaching each segment requires many hours of planning. In the Vilcabamba course, providing the website and communication [[read more]]

What it takes to run a PDC course/ Ejecutando ...

Our students are farmers, homesteaders, teachers, architects, entrepreneurs, engineers, parents, and just people who want to be informed about regenerative practices who are looking to apply permaculture in their own lives so they can learn to live in harmony with the Earth, meet people, learn hands on skills, and resources. Yes, some students are looking to become professional PC designers or PC teachers. Nuestros estudiantes son campesinos, maestros, arquitectos, empresarios, ingenieros, padres y madres… que buscan aplicar permacultura en sus propias vidas para mejorar su armonia con la Madre Tierra, conocer a gente nuevo, aprender de manos en habilidades [[read more]]

Who is this course for? ¿Para quien es este curso?

English is below Estudios de Vilcabamba Curso Certificado de Diseño Permacultura • Permacultura principios y ética• Método de Diseño Permacultura• Observación, análisis de sitio, diseño de diversidad de climas, creando microclimas• Ciclo de nutrientes en el agua & suelo• Jardinería: mantener la fertilidad de los suelos naturalmente• Métodos tradicionales Indígenas para mantener la fertilidad del suelo, la biodiversidad, ahorro de semillas• Huertos Forestales, agroforestales, árboles frutales• Múltiples beneficios de los hongos: agrícolas, la biorremediación, medicinales• Energías Renovables• Construcción ecológica incluyendo materiales construcción con barro, bambú, paja• Uso Prudente de los Recursos Hídricos: recolección de agua de lluvia, aguas grises, [[read more]]

CURRICULUM for Vilcabamba PDC (English & Español)

Ingles/Espanol The PDC is usually taught as an intensive of 72-100 hours in 10-14 days and provides a rich down-load of information that empowers the participants to apply these principles to their own sites, projects and lifestyles. The course enables the participant to discover “the how” for developing systems that can be sustained indefinitely, in harmony with other species, without diminishing resources and opportunities for future generations. Permaculture aims at freeing participants from an extraction-based culture which views profit as the ultimate indicator of progress, regardless of consequences. El PDC se suelen enseñar como un intensivo de 72-100 horas [[read more]]

What is a PDC? Que es un PDC? Curso Diseno ...