Zia Parker

About Zia Parker

Transition skills for earth~body healing : We provide workshops, training, and private sessions in applied knowledge for healing the land and healing our bodies, and understanding the connection between them. The common thread in all of these offerings is that they help us shift our way of being in the world so that we sense and are sensitive to the living world around us. Thus, enabling us to integrate the information coming to us-both from our bodies and the earth-and respond with contributions toward a healthy, harmonious balance with all beings.

Humanity is catching on! Check out these videos of LARGE SCALE Ecosystem Restoration Projects in many countries–all using simple methods of shaping the earth to capture rainwater so it can sink into the Earth! For those taking the workshop, we ask that you see all of these videos. Our Vida Verde video is a good introduction to Rainwater Penetration & Diversion techniques.168k views. The next year, came this video, after the  San Jose Fire, shows how beneficial this method is to stabilize terrain when the risk is high because the fire leaves the mountain bare.(El Mirador project) But much more [[read more]]

PERMACULTURE workshops & events!

WATER IS LIFE! This truth has been ringing in our ears in recent years as concerns about water surface around the globe. People are stepping up to defend their right to water. We can help. Water is top priority in Permaculture Design and in supporting life! Earth Rehydration. Water Retention Landscaping. Water Harvesting. These are all words for the practice of shaping the land so the rainfall can penetrate and nourish the land rather than run-off causing erosion and nutrient-loss as well as dehydration. These practices are appropriate on any land that has been disturbed or denuded. Intact eco-systems, [[read more]]

Water Works

The Yupaichani Network is a consortium of friends & associates in Vilcabamba, Ecuador that is working together on five local initiatives that address global problems. “Yupaichani” is Quechua for Thank You Pachama! Pachamama includes the Earth, the sky, the cosmos and all time. Vilcabamba is known as a legendary healing retreat of for royalty during the time of the Incan empire. We invite you to help us build our model for local ecological & economic regenerative action. Our Mission: By caring for the Earth under our feet, we learn on a personal-neighborhood-bioregional level to rebuild kinship with nature, across [[read more]]


These therapeutic offerings help us shift our way of being in the world to help develop a sensitive and balanced relationship with ourselves and the living world around us. See Comments from clients below. Zia's Vilcabamba office is at Finca Vida Verde, 5 minutes car ride from el Centro in San Jose de Vilcabamba.See Contact for directions. In Cuenca, you can arrange for a session at the House of Natural Wellbeing, Cornelio Merchan 7-94 & Padr Sodiro. 093 982 0306 HEALING RETREATS Allow yourself to slow down to the pace that allows you to hear the herbs and veggies [[read more]]

Healing Arts

We Offer these all organic products every Saturday at the Randi Nama Organic Market at the Terminal Plaza in Vilcabamba, Loja province, Ecuador: + Fresh Produce: lettuces, arugula, parsley, bok choys, komatsu, chirimen, many culinary and medicinal herbs; ocassionally carrots, beets + Skin Care Salves: uniquely hand crafted, and include the oil infusion of 8 medicinal herbs from our gardens—lavender, rosemary, oregano, dandelion, borage, comfrey, calendula, mint.They are: Lip Balm, Hand Salve, Baby Balm + Face Cream + Aphrodisiac Love Balm + Mint Tooth Paste + Tulsi for Infusions + Turmeric Medicine Balls + Moringa Gomasio + Ginger Maracuya [[read more]]


Clic for more photos. A truer recognition of “development” will be when we return to building houses that can eventually melt back into the Earth, and which do not hurt the Earth with their hidden carbon footprint, that is, materials that require large amounts of hydrocarbons/ petroleum to fabricate. Everything we can do to quit the pan-epidimic of addiction to petroleum is a good thing for the Earth! Follow our process with this complete photo essay of these three bioconstruction houses, below: Rasta Muffin Hut: Main House: Mixin’ adobe mud to reggae beats, and voila! a superlative eco-home emerges [[read more]]


FOR UPDATED PHOTOS (implementation of swales early 2018, tree planting late 2018), SCROLL DOWN Our vision of reforestation with agro-forestry design for the valley of Vilcabamba has taken a step forward with the contract to design and supervise implementation of a 17 hectare property, El Mirador, in barrio San Jose de Vilcabamba. In the video we made for our crowd-funding project, Water and a Forest for Every Village, we mention the need for more and larger models. This property is the beginning of our mid-size model. The project proposal can be seen here MiradorDesignWEB We are pushing the envelope [[read more]]

El Mirador, water retention design, 17 hct, Vilcabamba

Read here about the project we designed for two large community-based water systems in Quechua pueblos near Otavalo, N. Ecuador. These indigenous people had the forward-thinking vision to plan for water security for 30 years into the future. These two water juntas serve 16 communities and approximately 40,000 members. The water boards are still discussing their options. We are proud to be part of this conversation. Abstract, one page.ABSTRACT-english Full ProposalSumak Yaku proposal.WordPress Our proposal involved training local people to train members of the community in these Water Retention Landscaping methods so that a large percentage of the membership [[read more]]

Water Retention Landscaping: Otavalo Quechua Community

Create water security for yourself and/or your family with a sensible 3-prong approach. observing~designing~installing We can coach you for a  DIY (do-it-yourself) system  or have us design and install a system for you. Our Rehydrate<<>>Reforest Vilcabamba video can give you a good idea of the potential benefits. If you are planning for stabilizing your land, creating a Food Forest, protecting your home, garden or pasture, it is always important to have a Water Security Plan in place. Contact: ziaparker@zoho.com or call 098 988 7085

Water Security Planning