
We Offer these all organic products every Saturday at the Randi Nama Organic Market at the Terminal Plaza in Vilcabamba, Loja province, Ecuador:

+ Fresh Produce:
lettuces, arugula, parsley, bok choys, komatsu, chirimen, many culinary and medicinal herbs; ocassionally carrots, beets
+ Skin Care Salves:
uniquely hand crafted, and include the oil infusion of 8 medicinal herbs from our gardens—lavender, rosemary, oregano, dandelion, borage, comfrey, calendula, mint.They are: Lip Balm, Hand Salve, Baby Balm
+ Face Cream
+ Aphrodisiac Love Balm
+ Mint Tooth Paste
+ Tulsi for Infusions
+ Turmeric Medicine Balls
+ Moringa Gomasio
+ Ginger Maracuya Water-based Kefir
+ Probiotic Fermentations:
5 flavors of saurkrauts–Tumerific Kraut, Kim Turmerific Chi, Kraut Rojo, Jicama, CauliKraut

Visit the Randi Nama Feria Agro-Ecologico on Saturday mornings in Vilcabamba to enjoy the colorful sights and scents of all of the 100% Organic Cottage Industry Products. The Organic Market is a cooperative of organic producers working together to raise availability and awareness of the importance of keeping our food AND the land organic. The Organic Market (in Spanish called the Feria AgroEcologico) association is very responsive to all political issues that help protect citizen’s rights to food sovereignty and availability of good clean food that is free of toxic agro-chemicals and GMOs. For this reason, we are faithfully active and supportive of this organization, and encourage all who care about eating toxic-free food to shop here and support these vendor-producers.

Our booth is one of about fifteen at the Organic Market. We are always experimenting and trying new products, so come by and visit us and all the other producer-vendors on Saturdays! Our Fresh Produce is grown both organically and biodynamically right at Finca Vida Verde in San Jose Barrrio
A few of our products are also available at the Guaranga Eco-tienda, one block uphill from the West side of the Plaza, and at the Juice Factory.

Tulsi Tea for Infusions

Tulsi is a remarkable healing plant! Also referred to as “Holy Basil” (even though botanically is is actually not a basilica). Among Tusi’s many healing properties, it strengthens the immune system in many different ways, it is excellent for circulation, it stabilizes blood sugar level, and it clears radiation from the body.

In India’s Aruvedic medicine, it is highly revered. Even the ground Tulsi is grown on is considered to be holy. In this cultural perspective, it is seen as a physical form of Lord Krishna. Wow. All in one little very delicious plant.
Very energizing and clarifying as a first cup in the morning!

Moringa Gomasio

Moringa Gomasio is our favorite concoction because we love PVE Gomasio, the Japanese salty condiment, and we LOVE nutrition-packed moringa. The combination is super delicious and easily falls into the definition of SUPERFOOD!

Turmeric Med Balls

Turmeric Med Balls contain our medicinal quality biodynamic and permaculturally grown turmeric and our home-harvested honey. Turmeric is the best natural anti-inflammatory! It has been highly researched, especially in India where it is commonly a part of the daily diet in curries, to be found effective in several dispelling several forms of cancer. It has also shown to be effective for memory loss and the general symptoms of Alzheimers disease.

Our medicine balls make it so easy to include turmeric in your daily intake. So easy to carry with you, and place one under your tongue to melt–or to chew–at the first sign of a headache or muscle/bone aches–or a slip of the memory!

It is also very good topically for cuts and abrasions. In this case, suck on the turmeric ball for a minute or so to soften it, and mold it to your affected skin. It can form a natural bandage.

Our salves all contain organic oils sunflower, oilive & coco oil infused with 8 medicinal herbs from our gardens—lavender, rosemary, oregano, lemon verbena, borage, comfrey, calendula, mint.

They do more than moisturize–they are great also for healingthe skin from burns, insect bites and rashes.

“Labios” Lip Balm is just the right texture for lips. Comments from customers: “I love this lip balm with its great herbal ingredients.” “It is so hard to find anything even close to this herbal quality.”

“Manos” is formulated to be a little more dense to moisturize hands that are accustomed to kitchen or garden work. This formula stays with your skin a little longer.

“Bebes” is meant for babies–but “baby” can mean any age–if you would like a balm that is a little less dense, thus, easier to spread on tender skin. We include essential oil of chamomile and just a touch of tea tree oil to prevent skin infections for the babies.

“Crema de la Cara” Face Cream

“Crema de la Cara” Face Cream ingredients: coco oil, cacao butter, sunflower oil, beeswax, aloe vera, Vitamin E oil & Vit C plus Rose & Lavendar essential oil. It is so fresh that we recommend keeping it in the fridge. Our guarantee is that the ingredients are 100% organic.

We make it available in 30 ml. jars, so the small batches stay fresh, but if you use it more slowly, you might want to keep half of it in the freezer. For most people, the 30 ml jars last about 1 month.

“This is food for the skin. I feel like it nourishes my whole being when I put it on my skin!”
—– Becca Tzigany
“Thanks so much for making this! I can stop importing my expensive product that is inferior!” (anonymous)

Vilcabamba LOVE-Bomb BALM Body Butter, affectionately known as “the love balm”.

This is a mood enhancer that will elevate you to a new level of sensuousness. It is an intimate lubricant, and also just a great moisturizer. This special blend of organic oils, humectants and aphrodisiacs is indeed magical! It is formulated to be warming, and liquid–and stay liquid! Zia and Roshni have pursued the “R & D” (research & development) of this product with relentless diligence and we find it is superlative! $9.

“The balm is the bomb! Very moisturizing and smooth.”
– Becca Tzigany
“I’ve made many concoctions in my day, but this is by far the best!”- Roshni
“I love it as a moisturizer, I use it all over my body”.
“Wow! Like Wow! We LOVE IT! It is warming, it is wet and stays wet, and the aphrodesiacs!! OOO la la! (anonymous)


Mint Tooth Paste
So many commercial tooth paste products have fluoride, sugar and many other products that
are bad news! for our health. Our tooth past is a simple blend of organic coconut oil,
good salt, bicarbonate of soda, diatomaceous earth and essential oil of peppermint.
Stir it up yourself! or enjoy the convenience of our handy product in these sizes:
$1.,$3, $9.

Roshni and Zia team up on the LOVE BALM.
We love messing around in the kitchen with herbs and these luscious ingredients!

And, don’t miss our Probiotic Maracuya-Ginger Kefir, so yummy!
and our Tumerific Kraut and other lactobacillis fermented super-healthy super-natural foods.

Tumerific Kraut

About Zia Parker

Transition skills for earth~body healing : We provide workshops, training, and private sessions in applied knowledge for healing the land and healing our bodies, and understanding the connection between them. The common thread in all of these offerings is that they help us shift our way of being in the world so that we sense and are sensitive to the living world around us. Thus, enabling us to integrate the information coming to us-both from our bodies and the earth-and respond with contributions toward a healthy, harmonious balance with all beings.

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